Mesothelioma in Electricians
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Legally Reviewed By: Sam E. Taylor
Managing Attorney | Mesothelioma & Asbestos in Houston
- Page Last Updated:
- January 23, 2025
Legally Reviewed By: Sam E. Taylor
Managing Attorney | Mesothelioma & Asbestos in Houston
- Page Last Updated:
- January 23, 2025
Electricians are at risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses. Until the late 1970s, asbestos was commonly used in electrical wiring and other materials that housed electrical wiring. Although Environmental Protection Agency regulations ban most uses of asbestos today, electricians may still be exposed to asbestos when working in older buildings or electrical products.
Mesothelioma is a devastating illness that develops decades after a worker has been exposed to asbestos. You may be eligible for substantial compensation if you or your loved one has contracted mesothelioma, even if many years have passed since you were exposed. We can determine who is responsible for your asbestos exposure and help you recover compensation, often from multiple sources. Contact us now to schedule your free consultation.
Asbestos in the Electrical Industry
The electrical industry relied on asbestos most heavily from the 1940s through the 1970s due to the following qualities:
- Resistance to extreme temperatures, including heat and cold
- Fire resistance
- Non-conductivity
- Resistance to corrosion
- Tensile strength
- Flexibility
- Lightweight
Asbestos in electrical wiring provided a barrier between the wiring and conductive surfaces, protecting humans and animals from electrocution. It also prevented fires when electrical arcing occurred. Asbestos was also used in ceramic arc chutes, electrical paper in motors, millboard in circuit breakers, and separators in battery fuel cells.
Asbestos-containing electrical wiring can be found in any environment that uses electricity. During its peak use, asbestos could be found in multiple building systems and machinery components. Electricians could experience occupational asbestos exposure while handling wires and working with the materials that asbestos wiring ran through.
Beginning in the 1970s, the EPA began restricting the use of asbestos in electrical wiring as public awareness of its dangers grew. By 2019, the EPA had banned most uses of asbestos in electrical products, but this was too late to prevent electricians from developing deadly asbestos-related illnesses. Electricians are still exposed to asbestos on older worksites today.
How Electricians Are Exposed to Asbestos
Electricians may be exposed to asbestos on the job while installing, removing, or repairing electrical wiring and cutting or drilling into walls, ceilings, floors, or electronic components to facilitate their work in the following settings:
- Boiler rooms
- Oil refineries
- Construction sites
- Ships and shipyards
- Factories
- Power plants
- Automotive shops
- Aeronautics
- Paper mills
Sources of Asbestos Exposure for Electricians
Electricians were exposed to asbestos in electrical wiring, circuit breakers, conduits, switchgear, and panels. Although electrical components are common sources of asbestos exposure in the electrical industry, electricians are vulnerable to significant asbestos exposure through other materials. Exposure could occur when electricians must cut, drill, or disassemble the following:
- Boilers and boiler insulation
- Furnaces and air conditioners
- Ship lagging
- Coatings, sealants, and adhesives
- Machine engines and turbines
- Automotive engines, clutches, and brakes
- Fireproofing materials
Legal Options for Electricians Diagnosed With Mesothelioma
The companies that manufactured, supplied, and marketed asbestos knew it caused deadly illnesses as far back as the 1930s. However, they concealed the truth about the dangers to protect their profits. These companies are liable for the harm caused by asbestos exposure, and our nationally recognized mesothelioma lawyers can help you pursue compensation from multiple sources.
Mesothelioma claims generally fall under product liability law. Asbestos product manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and anyone else in the supply chain can be held liable for the effects of asbestos exposure. To recover compensation, you must identify the source of your asbestos exposure and prove you developed mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness as a result.
Personal Injury Lawsuits
You may be able to recover substantial compensation through a mesothelioma lawsuit. To qualify, you must be diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness and be able to connect your illness to a specific source or job site. We have one of the most extensive databases of asbestos products in the world, which we can use to identify the source of your exposure. We will also use our 25 years of experience to determine how you were exposed based on your life and work history.
Once we pinpoint the source of exposure, we can determine which manufacturers and suppliers are responsible and file suit against them. You might be entitled to recover the following economic damages:
- Mesothelioma treatment costs
- Personal care services
- Lost wages
- The cost of domestic services, such as housekeeping
You may also be eligible for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. If the responsible companies knew asbestos was harmful, you may also qualify for punitive damages.
Wrongful Death Claims
If your loved one died of an asbestos-related illness, you may be able to recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible asbestos product manufacturers and companies. Wrongful death damages may include economic, non-economic, and punitive damages, which will vary by state. Below are examples of damages that may be available in a mesothelioma wrongful death claim:
- Your loved one’s medical expenses
- Funeral and burial expenses
- Your loved one’s pain and suffering
- Your family’s grief and mental suffering
- Loss of companionship
Asbestos Trust Funds
If any party responsible for your asbestos exposure has filed for bankruptcy protection, you might be entitled to receive economic and non-economic damages through one or more asbestos trust fund claims. Obtaining compensation through an asbestos trust fund is usually faster than through a lawsuit, which can take a year or longer. You may be able to receive compensation from an asbestos trust fund claim within a few weeks. Surviving family members can also recover compensation through asbestos trust funds.
VA Claims
If you served as an electrician in the U.S. military and later developed an asbestos-related illness, you might be eligible for VA disability benefits. These benefits include monthly, tax-free disability compensation and free medical care. To receive benefits, you must file a mesothelioma claim through the VA.
Why Choose the Lanier Law Firm?
If you are facing a mesothelioma diagnosis, you need an attorney with experience handling asbestos-exposure cases. For over 25 years, our award-winning mesothelioma lawyers have recovered substantial compensation for people with mesothelioma. We have obtained over $20 billion in settlements and verdicts for our clients. We have the resources, skills, and tenacity to go against the world’s most powerful companies and win.
Our successful mesothelioma case results include the following:
- $115 million verdict on behalf of 21 steelworkers with asbestos-related illnesses
- $3.7 million for an electrician at a naval shipyard with mesothelioma
- $2.3 million settlement for a shipyard worker with pleural mesothelioma
- $1.9 million settlement for the surviving spouse of a chief engineer exposed to asbestos in cruise ship engine rooms
- $1.6 million settlement for the family of an industrial worker who died of mesothelioma
With the Lanier Law Firm on your side, you will receive compassionate service from caring attorneys who refuse to give up until they recover the compensation you deserve. We treat every client like family, and you will always be able to reach us.
Contact Us
If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you deserve justice. We are committed to redefining legal care by providing injured individuals with serious and sound legal representation. We use the latest technology and sometimes untraditional solutions to maximize your results. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing upfront, and we only get paid if and when we win.
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