Each month, we like to feature one of our attorneys to help you get to know our team better. We sat down with one of our Los Angeles attorneys, Case Dam, to talk about his background in the legal field and what he is currently working on.

What led you to a legal career?
During my undergraduate studies, I took an environmental economics class focused on large industries socializing the costs of business by freely or cheaply poisoning the environment, employees and society at large. As part of the curriculum, we had to read A Civil Action and The Buffalo Creek Disaster. These books, coupled with what I learned about the tragic unfairness of the “costs of doing business,” inspired me to fight against large industries, who exalt profits over peoples’ and families’ lives.
What has been your most interesting or memorable case and why?
Each of my clients’ cases [is] memorable and interesting in [its] own [respect]. The nature of my work requires me not just to know and understand my clients’ past and present circumstances but their entire families’ past and present circumstances. From fighting for our country in the armed services, serving as first responders on 9/11 to simply being the most loving parent they could be for their children, each client’s life story is important and becomes unforgettable, especially while helping them overcome the dual stresses of coping with their injuries, losses and the litigation process.
What litigation are you currently working on?
All of my clients suffer from mesothelioma — an incurable cancer caused by exposure to asbestos and asbestos-contaminated products. Due to asbestos’ use in, and contamination of, thousands upon thousands of products made and sold over decades, the subject matter of my clients’ cases that I am presently working on is quite diverse and involves products that include lawnmowers, heavy equipment, passenger vehicles, building supplies, auto parts, furnaces, boilers, foundry equipment, defective safety apparel, talcum powders, women’s makeup, roofing materials, pumps, valves, fireproofing, insulation, lighting fixtures, city buses … honestly, the list is endless.